GEAR collaborates with governments to co-develop state-of-the-art electrification plans, quality assurance frameworks and energy efficiency policies.
IEC 60076-1 measures the performance of distribution transformers (using load and no-load losses testing as opposed to 50% load).
Adoption of IEC 60076 in harmonised manner may be one way for emerging markets to avoid non-tariff barriers to trade.
Harmonisation also provides economies-of-scale. A regional or continental approach for the adoption of the U4E Model Regulations Guidelines for distribution transformers could for example be initiated under the auspices of the African Union, building on institutions such as the African Energy Commission, with support from the Association of Power Utilities of Africa (APUA).

Minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) are a critical element of the market transformation programme. They mandate the minimum level of performance of equipment and appliances.
A schedule for increase of the MEPS levels may be adopted to accompany to allow sufficient time for end-users and local manufacturers to cope with the impact of the regulations. Since emerging markets are not at the same stage of economic development, MEPS levels could vary from country to country.
Grid codes are critical elements of the strategy to improve the efficiency of grids in emerging markets, since they prescribe the level of efficiency and other technical criteria.
GEAR therefore strives to work with electricity regulators and utilities to develop technical loss assessment and improvement targets as statutory requirements in grid codes and distribution contracts. This may for example include a default use of ‘total cost of ownership’ approaches wherever appropriate in line with IEC TS 60076-20 or its derivatives; and identifying and replicating good practice wording of codes.